About Us

Tamara & Sandy

We're long-time friends & colleagues with a mission. Our mission at Birth Unafraid is to change the landscape of birth from fear to faith - from panic to peace. And, since 2015, we've been doing just that. We pray you will take your first leap of faith & register for Birth Unafraid so, you too, can experience confidence & peace during your birth - no matter what!

Why choose us?

Clients benefit from us having attended 2000+ births combined and from the evidence-based information on how to experience amazing birthing outcomes. We bring over 5 decades of combined Midwifery experience and a proven track record of helping clients achieve remarkable birthing outcomes like decreased pain, faster labour and increased satisfaction with birth.

We are committed to each client's birthing success - every step of the way. Our online content is easily accessible & easy to navigate, and if you're looking for a more personalized approach, we encourage you to connect with us to learn more about how we can best help you achieve your birthing goals. Our team is ready to assist you and your birth companion create a unique learning experience, like we have for previous clients.

"Partnering with Birth Unafraid was transformative for us. I can't believe it's taken this long for someone to come up with this! And where do I start with the effectiveness of the 9-Step Renewal Roadmap? I never thought I'd be so calm let alone have such little pain! Thank you, thank you, thank you! The in-person Birth Unafraid fee is
worth every penny & more!"

"This program is for dads too. It was great to feel so informed, prepared & calm. Their insights and approach brought us the birth we were hoping for. We couldn't be more pleased with the results. I'd recommend this course to every dad-to-be."

Amandalyn & Andrew (& baby Arlo)

"I had my son Jesse at 12:18 yesterday morning. I was so grateful for the breathing techniques which I used for the entire labour. And you know what else was amazing? The pressure dial. I think I used it for almost every pressure wave during active labour and I couldn’t believe how effective it was! I could actually feel the pressure increase & pain reduce as I pushed the dial down in my mind. It was the most effective tool I had for this labour. Thank you again so much for the tools you have provided through Birth Unafraid!"

"We just had a great experience creating an atmosphere of relaxation & feeling like we were both very calm. I felt like a partner in what was going on - to take this course & really understand what Jillian was going through & how I could help. I felt like I had a huge arsenal of tactics to help her. I really had confidence going into the labour."

Gillian & Jamie (& baby Jesse)

"The team at Birth Unafraid provided us with exceptional guidance. Their expertise improved our pregnancy, birth and new parenting experience. Baby Riley arrived safe & sound - nothing short of a beautiful experience thanks to the time we devoted to understanding a new way of birth. We've been spreading the good news of Birth Unafraid to as many people as will listen! We honestly think it should be required material for all birthing families!  Thank you for the work you do & for being passionate about something that changes lives & works."

The Mills Family


© The Practical Pregnancy Company - Birth Unafraid

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